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₹25 crore has been allocated, with plans to increase to ₹100 crore.
What is the difference between the sales of Nike in Chandigarh and that in Bhopal?
What is the different between the sales of Santro in Uttrakhand and that in Haryana?( in thousand units)
The number of defective Cars manufactured by Honda Company is what percent of the number of defective Cars manufactured by Ford Company?
What is the total number of male crew members working in all the airlines together?
If Worker E works alone for 15 days, how many units of the project will remain incomplete after this period?
The number of male crew members working in Indigo and Emirates together is approximately what percent more or less than that of the total number of fema...
What is the difference between the sales of Santro in Uttrakhand and that in Haryana?( in thousand units)
The given bar chart presents the average marks obtained in English (E) and vernacular (V) by the students of five districts (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5) in a st...
Water consumption in 2014 will be approximately how many times the total no. of consumer all over the years?
Which companies manufactured the least number of defective cars in 2017?