India has pledged to contribute $5 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA ) for Palestine refugees for the 2024 - 25 period . This contribution will support core programmes and services, including healthcare, education, relief, and social services . This is part of India's ongoing commitment to providing financial assistance and humanitarian support to the people of Palestine .
Amidst the swirl and
P- chaos of Mumbai’s slums,
Q- it is easy to feel overwhelmed
R- high rise towers and buzzing bazaars,
1. In 1900, at the age of 21, Albert Einstein was a university graduate and unemployed.
P. He finally secured a job in 1902 as a technical expert...
A. incidentally, it is family more often than
B. you learn life’s lessons through hard knocks
C. the disapproving looks of family <...
The “near foreseeable future”(A) India has decided to not just continue with(B), but also double its trade with Moscow in(C),despite the United St...
Which should be the second sentence after rearrangement?
Select the option that arranges sentences B, C, D and E in a logical sequence.
Sentences A and F are static.
A. Mountaineering is still a ...
The MCC had earlier seeking (A) to the Government written (B) its nod to dues (C) interest accrued on the principal am...
Water and steam(P)/ It used(Q)/to mechanise production(R)/ power(S).
Select the option that arranges sentences B, C, D and E in a logical sequence.
Sentences A and F are static.
A. You would have noticed map...
setting up isolation wards, procuring protective gear and vaccines, (A) /like mobilising diagnostic facilities, planning treatment protocols, (B)/ s...