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The Fisheries Summer Meet 2024 aims to foster consultation, showcase contributions, and raise awareness about various initiatives related to sustainable fisheries development.
Rupee revenue stamp is used for which amount in India?
Authorised capital of a company is Rs.5 lakh and 40% of it is paid up. What would be the tangible net-worth of the company if it reported Loss during...
Rahul bought 100 shares of Reliance for price of Rs.1500 per share. After one year he sold the shares for Rs.1700. Reliance paid out a dividend of Rs.1...
Which of the following is true regarding the Reserve Bank of India's prudential norms for income recognition, asset classification, and provisioning fo...
Recently which of the following two privates sector bank have got approval from the RBI to open a special Vostro account for trade in rupees and both th...
What does the seventh and eighth character in the Swift Code represent?
Which organization has mandated custodian banks to cap intraday risk at 30% of the settlement amount for IPCs in the T+1 settlement regime?
Which of the following is not done by a critical path network diagram?
When the goods are sold on credit, the following happens?
Recently which of the following two privates sector bank have got approval from the RBI to open a special Vostro account for trade in rupees and both th...