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The MoU aims to digitize Gujarat's logistics using the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP), enhancing visibility and coordination among state departments through real-time data insights.
The oldest type of energy known to man is –
Which of the following force holds protons and neutrons inside the nucleus of an atom?
Speed of light will be maximum in which of the following mediums?
The weakest of all fundamental forces is –
The correct option, if speeds of gamma rays, X-rays and microwave are Vg, Vx an Vm respectively will be
A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 105 Hz. What is the frequency of the electromagnetic wa...
Which of the following is an example of longitudinal waves in a gas medium?
What is the work done by a centripetal force on an object moving in a circular path at constant speed?
The instrument used to see the distant objects on the Earth is –