In Phase 1 of the Khelo India Rising Talent Identification (KIRTI) program, Maharashtra led the assessments with 9168 assessments conducted, followed by Haryana with 4820 assessments and Assam with 4703 assessments. This data indicates Maharashtra's active participation and leading role in the program aimed at identifying and nurturing sports talent in India.
The tissue that makes up the bulk of the plant body and performs various functions such as storage and support is called:
When fishes are reared along with plants, plants filtering water for the fishes and fishes provide organic matter to the plants, it is called as ____
Common polyphagus crop pests are:
A. Desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal)
B. Brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Hencinodes orbonates...
Fowl Pox disease affects:
What are the genes responsible for dwarfness in wheat ?
Which among the following herbicides is non-selective herbicide?
Which among the following is an aggregate fruit
Disbudding is commonly practiced for obtained better bloom in
Error degree of freedom for RBD involving b blocks and v treatments will be ___
Irrigation method suitable for maize