India is the defending champion of the Women’s Asia Cup T20 tournament. Harmanpreet Kaur is leading the Indian team in the current tournament held in Dambulla, Sri Lanka. India aims to reclaim the trophy, having won all editions except for the 2018 final, where they lost to Bangladesh.
The minimum land slope required for irrigation through surface methods is:
The seed rate for long duration rice varieties is ____________ kg/ha.
Which of the following weed species causes a major threat to sorghum production?
The site specific crop management approach that applies agro-chemicals to the field in an economical and environment friendly manner is known as ____.
Percent of Nitrogen content present in Calcium nitrate and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate respectively is:
For how much time period we can store food grain in rural godown?
Which of the following is/are main characteristic features of an Insect?
The criteria used for the classification of irrigation water includes
How much subsidy is given to SC/ST, small & marginal, women & farmers of NE states to buy Kisan drones?
Mendel is famous for