India will host the men's Asia Cup cricket tournament in the T20 format in 2025, as announced by the Asian Cricket Council. This particular edition of the Asia Cup is strategically scheduled to serve as a preparatory event for the T20 World Cup, which will also be hosted by India in 2026. This timing follows the tradition of using the Asia Cup as a platform for teams to fine-tune their strategies and squad compositions ahead of the World Cup events, thereby enhancing competitive readiness and regional cricket rivalry.
Which of the following statements given below about the post-Mauryan period is correct?
Which of the following king is also known as Idol Breaker?
Which of the following Congress Leader has a famous slogan ''Do or Die''?
Which battle marked a significant victory for the English East India Company over the Portuguese in 1612?
Which of the following is not the part of the AXIS power during the World War- II?
Who was the first emperor of the Pala dynasty of Bengal?
After King Ashoka's death, who ruled the eastern part of his empire?
In Which Year Did the Battle of the Hydaspes Take Place, Featuring Alexander the Great and King Porus?
On which river did Pulakesin II defeat Harshavardhana?
Part IV of the Indian Constitution deals with Directive Principles of State Policy. This feature of Indian Constitution was influenced by a similar feat...