In 2023, India retained its position as the eighth-largest exporter of agriculture products globally, according to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Despite a decrease in agriculture exports from $55 billion in 2022 to $51 billion in 2023, India managed to maintain this ranking. This stability was amidst broader declines among several of the top ten exporting nations, while others such as Brazil, the EU, and Thailand saw increases.
Which of the following is the position of the box F?
How many seminars are conducted between seminars of C in afternoon and her seminar in pre-noon?
P likes which of the following colour/flower?
Which of the following items is contained in Box 5?
Ishu purchased his bungalow how many years after Deepa?
Which of the following statement is not true?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
I) Three floors are between A and E
II) B lives on the lowermost floor
Which of the following is true regarding E?
Who among the following lives on the floor numbered six?
Who lives to the south east of F?