The Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) plays a pivotal role in the inaugural BIMSTEC Business Summit by co-organizing the event with the Ministry of External Affairs. This collaboration underscores the importance of industry involvement in shaping regional economic policies and discussions. By partnering in organizing the summit, CII helps to bridge the gap between government initiatives and the private sector, ensuring that the dialogue and outcomes of the summit reflect the needs and potentials of both government and industry stakeholders. This cooperation facilitates a comprehensive approach to addressing the economic and developmental challenges and opportunities within the BIMSTEC region.
Double seed formation is the symptom of which pest and in which crop?
Molya disease in wheat is caused due to _____
Seed germination is inhibited by ____ light.
What is the validity period of the seed certificate after tagging?
Seed stratification is done in apples at ___°C for 60-90 days.
What is the minimum isolation distance for certified sorghum hybrid seed production?
Seed rate in true potato seed (TPS) of potato is
Which of the following is not matched correctly?
Fruit of linseed is known as
Seed cotton means