
    What is a key feature of the Maharashtra Prisons and Correctional Services Bill that differs from the Union's Model Prisons and Correctional Services Act, 2023?

    A Creation of a Prisons and Correctional Services Force with arrest and weapon use authority Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Introduction of technological upgrades in prison facilities Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Establishment of mental health initiatives for prisoners Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Formation of an Undertrial Review Committee Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Implementation of accommodations for transgender offenders Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    A notable feature of the Maharashtra Prisons and Correctional Services Bill, which sets it apart from the Union's Model Prisons and Correctional Services Act, 2023, is the creation of a Prisons and Correctional Services Force with the authority to make arrests and use weapons. This provision represents a significant change in the management and oversight of prison operations in Maharashtra, reflecting a more localized approach to addressing prison security and administration issues.

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