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Effective from July 9, 2024, Fusion MicroFinance Limited has been renamed Fusion Finance Limited. This change reflects the company's broader commitment to providing financial services to underprivileged women in India.
Find the greatest number that will divide 49, 147 and 322 to leave the same remainder in each case.
A number when divided by 45 leaves a remainder 21. What will be the remainder when the square of the same number is divided by 45?
The number 976512is non-divisible by which of the following numbers?
What are the last two digits of 56283 x 141283 × 125254?
How many 3 digit numbers are divisible by 3?
If ‘1x5629’ is a six digit number which is divisible by 9, then which of the following can be the minimum value of ‘x’?
If 3c2933k is divisible by both 5 and 11, where c and k are single-digit natural numbers, then c + k?
If 1234567y is divisible by 11, then what is the value of y?
A number n when divided by 6, leaves a remainder 3. What will be the remainder when (n2 + 5n + 8) is divided by 6?
The difference between two numbers is 3820. When a larger number is divided by a smaller number, the quotient and remainder are 32 and 7 respectively. F...