Ultra Tech Cement Limited, part of the Aditya Birla group, agreed to purchase a 32.72% additional stake in India Cements for Rs 3,954 crore at Rs 390 per share on 28th July 2024. This acquisition will increase UltraTech's total stake to 55.49%, making India Cements a subsidiary of UltraTech. The acquisition price was 4.1% higher than the closing share price of India Cements on 26th July 2024.
The student who belongs to China appeared for which exam?
Read the directions below and answer the following questions.
Six persons B, D, E, A, F, and C live in a six-floored building. The bottommost f...
Who among the following live immediate below N?
Which fruit does N like?
Who among the following is designated as ASP?
What is the position of box X with respect to box S?
Who shops in home décor department from Big Basket?
On which floor does A live?
What is the age of the person who works for Hdfc?
Which of the following is the birth month - year of O?