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Selected startups and SMEs may receive up to Rs 45 lakhs in non-equity grants.
Soil Leaching is a major problem in?
Out of 121 countries, India’s GHI ranking fell from ……………… in 2021 to 107 this year.
The Forest Department and the USAID have launched the "Tree outside Forests in India" programme in ………………..
The central government has launched the “Mera Ration Mobile App” in the country on
As per the Fisheries Statistics (2019-20), the contribution of Fisheries Sector in Indian Economy (2018-19) is
Which state declared as 100% "Har ghar Jal" state?
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
The Government of India is implementing ‘Bhartiya Prakritik Krishi Padhati’ (BPKP) as a sub scheme under which of the following?
Which of the following is also called Golden Fiber?
The theme for the Word food Day, which was observed on 16th October 2022 was: