Reliance Industries, led by Mukesh Ambani, became the first Indian company to surpass ₹10 lakh crore in annual revenue.
A is twice as old as B. B is 1/3 as old as C. The sum of ages of A, B, and C is 42 years. Find the sum of the ages of A and B.
The resistivity of a material is dependent on which of the following factors?
If in the last condition (v), it is stated that D sits on the seat number 7, then who will sit on the seat number 4?
Find the amount of water contained in a cylindrical tank of radius 7 m and height 20 m. It is known that the tank is completely filled.
Which of the following represents ownership in a company?
Consider the following statements:
Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding “Employee provident fund organization”?
Consider the following in regards to Maharishi initiative
1.G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) meeting featured the MAHARISHI In...
The critical perspective assumes that:
Which of the following guidelines are correct for declaring a language as ‘Classical’?
High antiquity...