What is the key focus of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan's visit to India in 2024?
The Crown Prince's visit focuses on boosting collaboration between India and the UAE in energy and connectivity sectors.
(15.87% of 79.98 + 19.69% of 64.22) × 4.83 = ?
25.22 of 359.98% + 499.99 ÷ 25.18 = ?
(20.23% of 780.31) + ? + (29.87% of 89.87) = 283
√31684.11 × √728.9 – (19.02)2 = ? × 4.99
960.11 ÷ 23.98 × 5.14 – 177.9 = √?
49.99% of 5400 + 923=?
[15.87% of 599.97 + 40.08 × ?] ÷ 4.04 = 8.082.02
(?)2 + 4.113 = 24.92 – 32.03
(2220.23 ÷ 36.98) + (768.32 ÷ 23.9) + 1644.11 = ?
74.856% of 639.98 - 15.098 of √145 = ? of 14.972