India advanced to Tier 1 in the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2024, which places it among 46 countries recognized as "role models" for strong cybersecurity frameworks.
Which of the following metals in pure form has the highest melting point?
In what architectural style is the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya designed?
What is the objective behind the launch of the INSAT-3DS satellite?
In the following question, a pair of words as alternatives. Find the correct pair.
Apostate : Religion
Mughal miniature painting reached its peak during the rule of _____
In which of the following states is Bonalu festival celebrated?
Which of the following is included in the 'Cost of Inventory' according to Accounting Standard-2 (Inventory Valuation):
Mrs Funnybones is a book written by whom?
Match the following performances of Indian naatya, which were presented by the means of variegated components:
Which organization was recognized as the top achiever under the National Monetization Pipeline (NMP)?