FIEO urged the government to extend the interest subvention scheme for five years to support MSMEs and counter the 9.3% drop in exports in August 2024.
The Uttar Pradesh Government has made it mandatory for all students and teachers in madrasas of the state to sing ______ before commencing classes as pe...
The Bhakra Dam in India is built on:
Among the following diseases, which one is NOT inherited?
The first high court of India was established in_______.
Which of the following States will host the 37th National Games?
Which country is the top aluminum exporter in the world?
What is the target for wheat procurement in the current financial year 2022-23, stated in lakh tonnes?
The Eastern Ghats stretch from the ____________ to the Nigiris in the south.
Who is the current CEO of Flipkart?
TReDS is an electronic platform for facilitating the financing / discounting of trade receivables of which of the following sector?