When an object is positioned between the pole and the focus of a concave mirror, the image formed is virtual, erect, and magnified, diverging from the common properties associated with concave mirrors under other conditions.
In animal cell the reserve food is stored in the form of _____
What is the budget allocated for the “PM Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme” over five years?
Gerber test is used to determine-
Which of the following cells are found in Porifera only?
In the long form of periodic table the elements are arranged in the increasing order of
Crop regulation, the practice of taking winter crop instead of rainy season crop is practiced in which fruit crop?
The Recommended seed rate for sunhemp - varietal seed production is kg/ha in Tamil Nadu.
This type of antennae have flattened segments that resemble plates. They are often found in butterflies and moths and are adapted for detecting odor mol...
An exotic fish which adapted to Indian conditions
Which of the following programmes incorrectly matched with its released year?