Article 246 of the Indian Constitution specifies that 'Public debt of the State' is an item in the State List, delineating the legislative competencies between the Union and State governments.
Numerous studies has shown that students who were exposed to reading before preschool are more likely to do well in all facets of formal educati...
Directions: In each question, a part of the sentence is made bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may ...
Select the alternative that will improve the bold part of the sentence in case there is no improvement select “No improvement”.
Kalidasa ...
Substitute the bold words with the best option to improve the sentence.
Could you lends your pen for some time?
There was a roll of drums ?
Is this the same book like our teacher recommended?
In a system that sets much store by retain of powering to censor films in the name of certifying them, random attempts by petitioners seeking cu...
Jaya is owning a huge bungalow in Dehradun.
I was tempted to turn around and check out my competition, but better sense prevailed and I started sprinted like a gazelle.
...Despite of his diligent efforts, the esoteric nature of the subject matter made it nearly impossible for him to grasp even the most rudimentary conce...