The 'Telangana Darshini' program, launched by the Telangana government, estimates an expenditure of ₹4,000 per student for a four-day educational trip. This initiative aims to provide practical learning experiences outside the conventional classroom setting.
At one’s finger’s ends
Break a leg
Select the most appropriate meaning of the bold idiom in the given sentence.
This problem is a hard nut to crack ,it will take longer than th...
"It's not a good idea to kick the can down the road and let the next generation solve the global warming problem."
Choose the correct option showing the meaning of the Idiom highlighted in the given sentence
The boss told the employees to hit the ground r...
Break new ground
Pitch in
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Let sleeping dogs lie
Cut the mustard
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Give one the slip