PM Narendra Modi launched several health sector projects worth over ₹12,850 crore on the 9th Ayurveda Day, promoting holistic healthcare and expanding services.
Which ministry launched the 'White Revolution 2.0' SOPs in September 2024 to boost dairy production?
What was India's foreign exchange reserve as of September 27, 2024, making India the fourth country to surpass this milestone?
Manipuri dance, also known as Jagoi, originates from which Indian state?
सूर्य का ताप पृथ्वी तक किस प्रक्रिया द्वारा पहुँचता है ?
Under bank ombudsman scheme, bank ombudsman has given the power to provide compensation up to ----.
23rd January is the birth anniversary of a prominent freedom fighter. He is:
What is the primary focus of the Stand-Up India Scheme?
Which of these countries will be the guest of honour in 6th edition of World Government Summit in Dubai, UAE?
Which Bharatanatyam dancer founded the Dipasikha Dance Foundation in Chennai in 1984?
The Indian Express was started by whom?