"The Man-Eater of Malgudi" is a celebrated work by R.K. Narayan, not K.R. Narayan. This novel intricately weaves historical myths like that of Bhasmasura into its narrative, showcasing Narayan's skill in blending folklore with modern storytelling.
Where was the U.S.-led Indo Pacific Economic Framework ministerial meeting recently held?
Exercise SLINEX-23 held between which two nation
Who among the following from Uttarakhand was honored with GLOBAL GREEN AWARD 2021?
From which country is Jon Fosse, the winner of the Nobel Prize 2023 in Literature?
Which country is collaborating with India to develop the National Maritime Heritage Complex (NMHC) in Lothal, Gujarat
Which financial sector regulatory body in India celebrated its anniversary on April 12 2024?
Headquarter of HDFC bank is located in which state ?
Which Indian-American has been appointed as the head of the FBI's field office in Salt Lake City?
The Philippines recently signed a ‘Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA)’ with which country, allowing their military forces to enter each other’s cou...
Where was the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit held recently?