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Bhubaneswar received the award for 'City with the Best Public Transport System' at the 17th UMI Conference, held in Gandhinagar.
'L' and 'K' used Rs. 12,500 and Rs. 15,000, respectively, to launch their businesses. 6 months later, 'L' added Rs. 2,500 to his investment, and 'J' joi...
Three partners Karan, Arjun and Mukesh invest Rs 75,000, Rs 90,000, Rs 1,05,000 respectively in a business. Karan receives 12.5% of the profit as Manage...
A and B started a business with investments in the ratio of 6:7 respectively. If after one year, the profit earned by A is Rs. 3000, then find the total...
Rs. ‘y’ was invested in scheme A at the rate of 21% per annum for (t+2) years. Rs. (y+2400) was invested in scheme B at the rate of 18% per annum fo...
Aman is a working partner and Bablu is a sleeping partner in a business and Aman puts in Rs.5000 and Bablu puts in Rs. 6000.Aman received 15% of the pro...
'Aditi' and 'Misti' embarked on a business venture, initially investing sums denoted as 'm' and 'm + 3000', respectively. Four months later, 'Aditi' cho...
P and Q invested in a partnership with Rs.400 and Rs.700 respectively. After 4 months Q added Rs. 'x' more. If at the end of the year profit share of P ...
Kisan and Laxman started a business with the investment of Rs. 1600 and Rs. (y+200) respectively. After four months of the start of business, Mayur join...
‘A’ started a business with the investment of Rs. 12000. After ‘x’ months and after 3 months from starting ‘B’ and ‘C’, respectively, jo...
A and B entered into a business investing Rs. (x + 75) and Rs. (x – 55) respectively. After one year they invested Rs. 120 more and Rs. 200 more respe...