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NAPS aims to provide apprenticeships, enabling students to gain hands-on experience and become industry-ready.
Sariska was declared as a tiger reserve in 1978, making it a part of India's Project Tiger, it is located in which of the following Districts?
By what name is the maintenance of bee hive?
If WORK is coded 21-13-17-9, then how will it be coded LION?
Which state government launched the 'Nijut Moina' scheme to fight against child marriage?
To open an NPS (National Pension System) account in India, what is the age range that an individual must fall within as of the date of submission of the...
According to the ‘State of the World’s Forests 2023,’ after Russia and Brazil, which two other countries have the highest forest cover?
In 1845, which German chemist published a method for the synthesis of acetic acid, a natural product containing two carbon atoms?
'Alkap' is a rural dance-drama performance prevalent in the parts of Jharkhand and ________.
Which of the following Statements about the PIDF Scheme is / are True?
I - The objective of the fund is to develop payment acceptance infrastr...
The ‘Har Ghar Jal Yojana’ was launched by the Prime Minister to provide water over _____ villages in Uttar Pradesh?