TakeMe2Space, a space technology firm based in Hyderabad, has announced the forthcoming launch of MOI-TD (My Orbital Infrastructure - Technology Demonstrator), India's first AI lab in space. The mission will demonstrate real-time data processing in orbit, making space research more affordable and accessible. The launch is scheduled for mid-December 2024 aboard ISRO's PSLV C60 launch vehicle.
Which of the following is not a symptom of any food allergy?
a. Itchiness in mouth
b. Rashes
c. Running no...
Saponification number is the number of milligrams of KOH required to saponify 1 g fat. Which of the following statement is true about saponification ...
(I) Bacteria
(a) 0.9- 0.95
(ii) Yeast
(b) Staphylococcus
(iii) molds
(C ) Entamoeba
(iv) Protozoa
(d) 0.7-0.8
The microbes, which can grow at high concentration of sugar, called
Mark the correct statement with regard to spices and essential oils:
a. Cinnamon is the bark of a tree
b. Cardamom is a d...
Increase in metabolic rate that occurs in response to a stimulus like food ingestion is called:
Why exhausting is done in canning
a) To avoid the corrosion of tinplate and pin holing during storage.
b) To minimize dis...
Which of the following is aim of food processing
a) Extending the period during which food remains wholesome (microbial and biochemical)...
In vacuum packed meat growth of slime occurs due to overgrowth of ________and greening caused by microbial production of ________
Spoilage of egg is caused by --------------— than by--------------