In Madhya Pradesh, in a first of its kind of initiative, `pink alarms’ have been installed at the government-run district hospital and medical college in Datia. The pink alarm system is a brainchild of district collector Sandeep Makin. The pressing of an alarm will set off a siren and within five minutes the security personnel will reach the person in trouble.
Which zonal railway appointed Sindhu Ganapathy as the first transwoman Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE)?
How many Indian states celebrate their foundation day on 1st November?
Recently, two Indian scientists from the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), and their team have discovered an active submarine volcano (Crater Se...
Who wrote the autobiography ‘Toward Freedom’?
Which state in India has introduced the 'Nijut Moina' scheme to prevent child marriages by providing monthly stipends to girls pursuing higher education?
Which country became the first in modern history to lose all its glaciers as of May 2024?
Which country initiated the 'BIMReN' project to support doctoral research by PhD students from BIMSTEC countries?
Which Indian state introduced a 33% reservation for women in outsourced government jobs as of May 2024?
Which of the following are the characteristics of Tropical Deciduous Forests:
1. The most widespread in India
2. Density of these forests ...
What is the name of the traditional dance style in Uttarakhand that involves the use of a sword?