The Indian Air Force launched the first comic book in the "Heroes of the IAF" series, which aims to present historical and heroic narratives of the IAF. The comic book series, developed in collaboration with the National Film Development Corporation of India and creatively designed by Rogue Communications, serves a dual purpose. It not only honors the bravery and dedication of IAF personnel but also simplifies complex historical events for a younger audience.
(1296) -3/4 = ?
36% of 640 – 12.5% of 352 + 25% of 640 = ? – 48% of 432
25% of 400 + 3 × 102 = ?2
25 × 5 - ?% of 150 = 102 - 2
27% of 250 – 0.02% of 1000 is equal to:
1300% of 2341 + 1200% of 6321 = ?
(-251 × 21 × -12) ÷ ? = 158.13
350% of (450 / 1.5) = ?% of 4200
1 + 1 + 1/2+ 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/4 is equal to ____
√121 + √961− √289 =?2