The Board decided to increase the Contingent Risk Buffer (CRB) to 6.50% for 2023-24, up from 6% in the previous year.
Which data structure in a compiler is used for managing information about variables and their attributes?
Which recovery strategy involves reinstalling the operating system and applications, followed by restoring user data from backups?
A physical DFD specifies
In digital electronics, a flip-flop is a sequential logic circuit capable of storing one bit of information. Which statement about flip-flops is true?
Consider the following statements.
S1: The sequence of procedure calls corresponds to a postorder traversal of the activation tree.
Which of the following data structures can be implemented using recursion?
In E-R model Double Eclipse shape is used to depict?
What is the purpose of the "write-back" stage in an instruction pipeline?
Define Mapping Process?
Write through technique is used in which memory for data updating