Bengaluru’s digital population clock, set to be unveiled at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, will update Karnataka’s population every 1 minute 10 seconds.
How often are the rates of premium reviewed under PMFBY?
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recogniz...
What is the objective of the Bima Sugam – Insurance Electronic Marketplace Regulations, 2024?
In the PPF (Public Provident Fund) Scheme the amount gets locked in for a period of 15 years but if one has to withdraw it before the maturity then the ...
A manager who utilizes the Achievement-Oriented leadership style will likely _____
The South Indian Bank bagged a world record for staging the highest “101 Oonjals” to celebrate unity and prosperity during the ongoing festival seas...
In August 2022, RBI increased the limit of ECB that eligible borrower can raise per financial year under the automatic route to _______. This relaxation...
What is the primary objective of SIDBI's "Mission Swavalamban "?
What is the enhanced limit for housing loans (for repairs and renovations) in the metropolitan cities in case of Primary (Urban Cooperative Banks)
Which Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise received RBI's nod to set up a subsidiary in GIFT City?