The Lithuanian film "Toxic" received the Golden Peacock for its poignant exploration of adolescence in an economically deprived society.
When scientist demonstrate the improved technology in the farmers’ field to increase the productivity and have higher yield and economic benefits vis ...
Insect pests whose grubs bore into the grain to feed on them, heavy infestation of those pests results in powdery mass of grain while adult scrap surfac...
Mulches generally minimize
Oilseed having maximum protein content is ______
Under conservation tillage soil aggregates stability (%) increases because of
Reverse transcription was first reported by ……………., who won the noble prize in 1975.
Which natural fiber is also known as the "golden fiber"?
Paecilomyces lilacinus is a chemical used for the control of __
Hypogeal type of seed germination occur in
How do mitochondria and chloroplasts perform oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation reactions, respectively?