According to the RBI report, the Unified Lending Interface (ULI) platform has facilitated over 600,000 loans worth ₹27,000 crore, including ₹14,500 crore for MSMEs, showcasing the platform’s significant role in improving credit accessibility.
If in a certain code language ‘+’ represents ‘×’, ‘–’ represents ‘+’, ‘×’ represents ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ represents ‘–’....
If '÷' means '+', '+' mean '-', 'x' means '÷' and '-' means 'x', then what will be the value of the given expression:
12 – 6 x 2 + 5 ÷ 9
If + means −, − means ×, × means ÷, and ÷ means +, what will be the value of the following expression?
19 ÷ 14 + 8 – 12 × 3
...Which two signs should be interchanged to make the following equation correct?
52 – 27 ÷ 9 + 7 × 5 = 20
Select the correct sequence of mathematical signs to replace the ‘@’ signs so as to balance the given equation.
252 @ 28 @ 11 @ 5 @ 22 = 42
87 D 29 A 12 B 5 C 9 = ?
If '@' means '÷', '#' means ' X ', '$' means '+' and '%' means '-' then what would be the value of the expression given below?
Expression: 25 # ...
What will be the value of expression if the numbers/digits ‘(42)’ and ‘(18)’ are interchanged?
54 ÷ 42 × 10 + 18 – 12 + 20
...If ‘%’ means (÷), ‘#’ means (-), ‘@’ means (×), and ‘&’ means (+), then what is the value of the expression:
75 & 15 # 50 % 2 @...
A $ B means A X B, A & B means A - B, A % B means A ÷ B and A # B means A + B, then what is the value of 320 & 80 # 120 % 24 $ 50?