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India’s population is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2100, despite a decline in the population growth rate due to demographic transitions. This slower growth will contribute to a change in the global demographic structure, as the share of India’s population will decrease from 23% in 2023 to 17% by 2050.
Optimum depth of' sowing for Pearl millet and minor millets is:
Which among the following is generally known as twin deficit?
Botanical Name of Teak?
A silent mutation causes
Which of the following type of mouth parts present in Cockroach and grasshopper?
Yellow mosaic in soyabean is caused by
What is the propagation method of cashew?
………………….is unconsolidated mass from which solum develops.
In C4 plants, Calvin cycle works at
What is the budget allocated for the “PM Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme” over five years?