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A total of 633 archaeological sites have been identified along the Saraswati River's path, with 444 sites located in Haryana, based on Survey of India reports and revenue records.
There are five members T, U, V, W, and Y in the family. V is married to Y. T’s mother is daughter of U. W and T are male members. Y is brother of W. H...
If A is brother of B, C is brother of A, D is brother of E. E is mother of B and F is father of C, how is D related to F?
D is the brother of C. E is the sister of F, who is the son of B. G is the daughter-in-law of C. F is married to G. C is not a male. How is D related to B?
How many female members are there in the family?
How is S related to J?
Statement: M < N ≤ O = P, Q ≥ O ≤ R ≤ Z
Conclusion: I. Q > M II. Z > M
...In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is /are definitely true and the...
Who is the husband of T?
Pointing to a photograph, an unmarried man, who has only one sister says, “The woman in the photograph is the maternal grandmother of my niece.” How...
A, C, E, G, I and K are six family members. I is son of G, who is not the mother of I. C is brother of G. K and G are a married couple. E is daughter of...