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In India, Anti-Child Labour Day is observed on April 30, a day before Labour Day, while the World Day Against Child Labour is held on June 12. International Labour Organization estimates that agriculture and relatives activities - at 70 percent - are the largest employer of child labour in India .
Wheat crop needs which climate during vegetative growth
The disorder found in mango which is caused due to improper pollination and fertilisation is
Which of the following is a nematode disease of rice ?
The development of new variety through identification and isolation of single best plant progeny is known as
Barberry bush is the alternate host of _______
How does the Refugia Technique prevent the development of resistance in bollworms against Bt cotton?
The process of removal of male and female flowers in early stage of plantation in Oil Palm is called …………………….
...Highest water use efficiency is found in
The fertilizer that is mostly used in India contains 46 % N which is granular or in pellet form . Name the fertilizer.
Mostly plants absorb micronutrients in