Which organ have the capacity of regeneration
As adults, humans can regenerate some organs, such as the liver. If part of the liveris lost by disease or injury, the livergrows back to its original size, though not its original shape. And our skin is constantly being renewed and repaired.
Acetate can prevent ropiness and growth of molds but do not interfere with
The average nitrogen content of protein….
Type of moisture that can be removed by common drying technique is
Anthocyanins commonly found in
a) Skin of red apples
b) Skin of red plums
c) Skin of red grapes
Match the preservative (group-1) with their examples (Group-2)
….inhibit absorption of nutrient and known as… ( Anti-nutritional factor & Natural Toxin )
Obvious signs is/are oxidation of food
a) Rancidity.
b) Colour changes
c) Loss of odour
d) ...
Milk powder contains moisture percentage.
Equilibrium moisture curve is a plot between