Amoeba is categorized under Kingdom Protista. It is a single-celled organism found in soil, water, and animal body parts. Amoebas lack a fixed body shape, resembling jelly-like blobs. They utilize pseudopodia for movement and feeding through a process called endocytosis.
Which of the following is used in laser printer to transfer the image to the paper?
What is the shortcut key for ‘Close Current Tab’?
A device is used to read information encoded into a small plastic cards.
This type of disk can be written only once.
Which of the following shortcut key is used to quickly create a new, blank workbook in MS Excel 2010?
_______________ is used in second generation computer.
What is the name of an application program that gathers user information and sends it to someone through the internet?
For predicting the weather which of the following is used?
What does DRAM stand for?
Which of the following memory unit communicates directly with the CPU?