Gertrude Ederle (1905-2003) made history and rocketed to international stardom in 1926 when, at age 20, she became the first woman to swim the English Channel, then considered one of the toughest endurance tests in the world, beating the fastest man's existing record by nearly two hours, and challenging notions about women being the weaker sex.
Response of different organisms to the environmental rhythms of light and darkness is called?
Which of the following is a naturally occurring antioxidant?
Which disease is known as rice fever disease or rich men’s disease?
Which organization raises funds and disburses loans to NDDB/NCDC under the Dairy Processing & Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF)?
What will be the cropping intensity of maize + urdbean - wheat rotation on 2 ha area?
Golden rice, a variety of rice produced through genetic engineering to bio synthesize beta carotene, a precursor of
Oceanic Nino Index corresponding to El Nino period is
Emergence of inflorescence (panicle) in sugarcane is referred as:
Insect pathology is the study of anything that goes wrong with an insect and, therefore, includes non-pathogenic and pathogenic causes. Father of Insec...
Which of the following is a valid form of guarantee given by food business operator under Food safety and Standards Act?