This year’s Nobel Prize in economic sciences has been awarded to the former chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Ben S. Bernanke, and two U.S.-based economists, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig, “for research on banks and financial crises.”
Quiescent centre is found in plants at
Which one of the following is aerobic asymbiotic N₂-fixing bacteria?
Which initiative offers open-source infrastructure, including farmer, village map, and crop sown registries, to create farmer-centric solutions?
Blast disease of rice is due to occurrence of which organism?
Which type of subsidy are categorized under blue box?
Drainage of one ha-cm in 24 hours equals to drainage of how much water
Which is not a synthetic auxin?
Sequence the principal stages of biological nitrogen fixation in their correct order of occurence-
(A). Formation of infection thread
Organism which feed on living plants are termed as
Which of the following is monoembryonic Citrus species?