Data from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on sectoral deployment of bank credit in August 2022 showed a 19.6 percent credit growth in the micro and small enterprise (MSE) sector from 1.2 percent in August 2021. Credit deployed during August 2022 stood at Rs 14.49 lakh crore, up from Rs 12.12 lakh crore in August 2021 and Rs 11.98 lakh crore in August 2020. On an aggregate level, the bank credit deployed to the MSME sector, combining credit to MSEs and medium enterprises, in August was Rs 18.15 lakh crore, up 24 percent from Rs 14.64 lakh crore in August 2021. Learn Along: RBI Headquarters: Mumbai Governor: Shaktikanta Das Deputy Governors: MK Jain, MD Patra, M Rajeshwar Rao and T. Rabi Sankar Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) are entities that are involved in production, manufacturing and processing of goods and commodities. The concept of MSME was first introduced by the government of India through the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006. Micro Investment less than Rs. 1 crore or Turnover less than Rs. 5 crore Small Investment less than Rs. 10 crore or Turnover up to Rs. 50 crore Medium Investment less than Rs. 20 crore or Turnover up to Rs. 100 crore.
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The sum and difference of the Least Common Multiple (L.C.M) and Highest Common Factor (H.C.F) of two numbers are 216 and 184, respectively. One of the ...
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315× 56× 68
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Sum of the two numbers is 42. LCM and HCF of that two number is 72 and 6 respectively. Find the sum of reciprocals of the numbers?