'Tamas', a powerful portrayal of the Partition of India, was written by Bhisham Sahni.
Element mobile in plant but immobile in soil is
The process of conversion of the subject matter into symbols is termed as:
The degree to which an innovation is perceived as consistent with the existing values, part experiences and needs of potential adopters
Majority of rainfall in India is contributed by:
A group of commercial crops of perennial nature, cultivated extensively in tropical and subtropical situations which need employment of labour through o...
Obligate diapause is usually observed in which insect?
The "Antyodaya Anna Yojana" (AAY) was launched in December, 2000 for _______ poorest of the poor families among BPL covered under TPDS.
The planting of succeeding crop before the harvesting of standing crops is:
A sound seed certification programme requires:
The concentration of macronutrients in dry plant tissues is