Amrit Dharohar is the scheme that will be implemented over the next three years to promote the conservation values of Ramsar Sites 26 to 75.
Average of four numbers is 16. Sum of smallest and largest number is 45. If difference between other two numbers is 1, then find the square of second sm...
The average salary of 36 employees ( Teachers+principals) in a School is Rs.10,375. A Principal in the School receives a salary that is 125% higher than...
The average of three numbers P, Q and R is 1600. R is 75% more than P. The ratio of P and Q is 4:5 respectively. If R is 25% less than S, then find out ...
The average weight of a group of 30 employees is 65 kg. If an additional five employees, each with an average weight of 72 kg, are added to the group, w...
The average age of 23 children and their teacher's age are 21 years. If the teacher's age is excluded, the average reduces by 1. What is the teacher's age?
The average of first two numbers and last two numbers of a set of six numbers is 70 and 45 respectively. If the overall average of all six numbers is 65...
The average weight of 4 persons is 36 kg. The heaviest person’s weight is 26 kg more than the lightest person’s weight. If the average weight of the...
The average of 30 numbers is 55. The average of the first 15 numbers is 50 and the average of the last 12 numbers is 55. What is the average of 68, 74 a...
The average of 15 numbers is 110. The average of the first 7 numbers is 98 and the average of the last 7 numbers is 62. What is the 8th number?
Average of 20 numbers is 65. If the average of the first eight and last six numbers is 75.5 and 55.5 respectively, and if the twelfth number is 25% more...