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The currency of Japan is the Yen (¥).
If “J#K^P%R#O”, then How O is related to J?
Which of the following shows that R is the granddaughter of T ?
Pointing to a boy, Pankaj said: He is grandson of the woman who is mother – in – law of the husband of my mother. How is the boy related to Pankaj?<...
If 'P&Q' indicates that 'P in the son of Q', and 'PSQ' indicates that 'P is the sister of Q', then which of the following expressions would indicate tha...
Who is married to X?
How is W related to S?
How is father of X related to R’s sister-in-law?
P, L, T, B, N and D are six members of a business family. N is the son of B, who is not the mother of N. L is the brother of B. D and B are a married co...
How is P related to L?
If K $ J @ L + N * O & M is true then how is M related to L?