At least 6 journalists were killed and 121 media houses were targeted in India in 2021, according to an India Press Freedom Report 2021 released by the Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG). Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Tripura topped the list of states and Union territories where journalists and media houses were targeted in 2021. The highest number of journalists or media organisations targeted was in J&K (25), followed by Uttar Pradesh (23), Madhya Pradesh (16), Tripura (15), Delhi (8), Bihar (6), Assam (5), Haryana and Maharashtra (4 each), Goa and Manipur (3 each), Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal (2 each), and Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Kerala (1 each).
An ant can see objects all around it due to the presence of which type of eyes?
A plane electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along z-direction. What can you say about the directions of its electric and magnetic field vectors? If t...
The magnetic equator is closely associated with which of the following?
A soap bubble shows colours when illuminated with white light. This is due to –
What is the point called where the total mass of a body is considered to be concentrated?
Which one of the following is called a red planet?
In order to investigate the internal atomic structure of crystals, we make use of:
Ultrasonic waves, propagating through a medium, can be detected by:
During which type of motion does an object along a straight line have zero change in velocity for any time interval?
Which of the following is NOT a non-contact force?