There is a fraction whose denominator is 5 more than its numerator. If the numerator is increased by 10 and denominator is decreased by 4, the fraction ...
If numerator of a fraction is decreased by 30% and the denominator of the same fraction is increased by 40%, then what fraction of the old is the new fr...
If the sum of 60% of a fractional number and the number's square root is 5 greater than one fifth of the number, then the number is
Alex has read 5/6 of a book, while Tina has read only 3/5 of the book she is reading. Both have another 150 pages of their respective books remaining to...
The value of
Numerator of a fraction is 4 less than the denominator. If 6 and 7 are added to numerator and denominator of a fraction respectively, then fraction beco...
A fraction becomes 6/7 when 3 is added to both its numerator and denominator. Similarly, it becomes 7/8 when 5 is added to both i...
Numerator of a fraction is 4 less than the denominator. If 6 and 7 are added to numerator and denominator of a fraction respectively, then fraction beco...