An extrinsic semiconductor with electrons as the majority charge carriers is called an n-type semiconductor, while a p-type semiconductor has holes as the majority charge carriers.
A can complete a work in 20 days. B takes 10 days less than A to complete the same work. In how many days can both of them together complete 90% of the ...
Ravi and Sita together can complete a piece of work in 150 days and 3 minutes, while Sita and Ramesh together can complete the same work in 90 days and ...
‘A’ and ‘B’ can do a piece of work in 17 days and 34 days, respectively. They started working together but ‘A’ left after 4 days. Find the t...
P does one fourth as much work as Q in two third of the time. If together they take 24 days to complete the work, how much time shall Q take to do it?
Pipe ‘A’ and pipe ‘B’ can fill a cistern in 20 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. Pipe ‘C’ alone can empty the cistern in 10 minutes. If a...
35 typists working 9 hours per day can complete a typing job in 14 days. ____ typists working _____ hours per day can complete (3/4)th part of the work ...
A, B and C can do a piece of work in 5, 8 and 10 days respectively. They start working together but C leaves after working 1 days and B, 2 days before t...
A and B individually can complete the work in 32 days and 48 days respectively. If the time taken by C alone to complete the work is 1.25 times the time...
Ajay and Bheem collectively earned Rs.9,000 for completing a task, with Bheem's share being Rs.3,000. If Bheem can complete the work on his own in 48 da...
If 6 men and 5 boys can complete a piece of work in 9 days, while 24 men and 20 boys can complete the same work in 3 days, how long will it take for 12 ...