Aluminium, Copper, Iron are the commonly used metals used for cooking. These metals are used because: Their thermal conduction property is very good. They transmit heat easily ensuring that the food gets cooked faster.
The Central Institute for Women in Agriculture (ICAR-CIWA), functioning under Indian Council of Agricultural Research is mandated to undertake research ...
Which of the following State has Celebrated the 3rd edition of the annual orange festival 2023?
Parboiling of paddy is done in order to ____
Nitrogen deficiency symptoms first appear on
An isoquant represents all those input combinations which are capable of producing:
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
Two resources are said to be substitutes when the change in the price of one leads to a change in demand for another which leads to:
The toxin produced by Bacillus thuringensis interferes with which part of insect body?
Which is the lead agency for implementing e-NAM?
Iron is an important component of which of the following enzyme?