- Argon is predominantly used in light bulbs due to its inert nature. - Neon is used in advertising signs for its bright, distinct glow. - Helium, being lighter than air, is commonly used for filling balloons.
Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.
How many languages are spoken in India?
Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.
Not a word was spoken by the criminal in self-defence.
Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.
Our advocate is arguing the case very effectively.
Select the correct active voice of the given sentence.
Aspersions are being cast on the treasurer of the society by some members.
Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
The teacher explained the complex topic using practical examples...
Select the correct active form of the given sentence.
Her phone can’t be switched off by my father.
Let the silence be maintained.
Select the correct active voice of the given sentence.
Are you frightened by snakes and spiders?
Select the correct active form of the given sentence.
The terrorist was arrested by Mumbai Police.
In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these words printed in bold migh...