Helium is indeed a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas, known for its chemical inertness as a member of the noble gases group. Contrary to some misconceptions, it is the second lightest element and is one of the least reactive chemical elements.
What is the eligibility for being appointed as the Special Judge under the Prevention of Corruption Act?
The authority to alter the boundaries of states in India lies with
When the mortgagor ostensibly sells the mortgaged property the transaction is?
In a criminal matter, appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court from the order of a High Court, if________.
With reference to section 90 of Indian Penal Code, 1860, 'Consent of child' means:-
A imports in to India or exports there from, any counterfeit coin knowing the same to be counterfeit is guilty under section ____of IPC.
Fundamental rights are covered under Part________ and ________ Articles of the Constitution.
What is dacoity?
Which convention provides protection to prisoners of war under International Humanitarian Law?
Which section of CPC gives inherent powers to a civil court?