Hydrates are a frozen mixture of water and gas, primarily methane. The methane molecules reside inside a water molecule lattice. The methane will ignite in ice form – hence the “fire ice” moniker.
How many students study in standard IV?
Five friends A, B, C, D and E have different hobbies singing, dancing, painting, writing and sewing, but not in the same order. 'A' and like neither sin...
How many boxes are there in between Black and Pink, if the box just kept below blue is yellow?
What is the total number of pens that Z5 and Z2 have?
Five articles, F, G, H, I and J, are kept one above the other (not necessarily in the same order). F is just above J and just below I. G is just above H...
How many floors are there between floors of Chaman and person born in January?
Whose anniversary is on 27th of July?
Five persons S, T, U, V and W have different weights. T is the lightest person. U is heavier than V but lighter than W. S is lighter than V. Who among t...
Who lives immediate below Q?
If A is related to Chemistry and C is related to Quant in a certain way. Then, E is related to which of the following?