Radio producer Rita Mukherjee, who produced a number of wonderful shows and excelled in the medium, has passed away.
What is the largest common divisor of the numbers 1026, 2268 and 2430?
If the number 1005x4 is completely divisible by 8, then the smallest integer in place of x will be:
A six-digit number 27p5q8 is divisible by 36. What is the greatest possible value for (p×q)?
A six-digit number 11p9q4 is divisible by 24. Then the greatest possible value for (p + q) is
Find the remainder obtained by dividing 961125 by 37.
If 6428A83 is divisible by 9, then the value of A is equal to
Which of the following pairs of non-zero values of p and q make 6-digit number 674pq0 divisible by both 3 and 11?
What will be the remainder when 742 is divided by 48?
If the 6-digit number 324a16 is completely divisible by 8, then the largest integer that can replace a is:
A five-digit number 2A78B, is divisible by 55. What is the difference between the maximum and minimum possible value of (A-B)?